Privacy and Cookies Policy

Privacy Policy
As ALOCAR VEHICLE RENTAL LIMITED COMPANY, we attach importance to the security of our users' data.

Your name, e-mail address, contact number, etc. through the forms on our website. We want your personal data. Relevant data helps us to contact you in line with your requests and complaints, and to send you price offers and your electronic confirmation of your reservations.

online promotions

If you participate in any competition on our site, we will ask you to share some of your personal information in order to inform you when necessary. Since the terms or rules of each contest and promotion may change, the promotion will be announced at the time of the contest. If a reward is given through third parties, the information in question may be shared with the third party for the distribution of the reward.

online surveys

When you participate in any online survey, you may be asked to share some personal information (demographic information such as your age, income, etc.). You can share all or none of this information if you wish. The results of these surveys will be used to increase the functionality of our site and provide you with a better user experience.

What Information Does ALOCAR Collect?

Reservation Information: During your car rental reservations, we request your name and contact information and save it in order to be able to contact you regarding possible requests, complaints and updates.

IP Address: When you visit our site, we record your IP address, which does not contain any information about you, but only identifies your Internet Service Provider, and use it to monitor the traffic flow of our website more effectively.

User Account: We offer our users the opportunity to create a user profile on our website. In this way, we enable you to carry out your subsequent reservation transactions more efficiently and quickly, and to view and correct your personal data at any time.

How Does ALOCAR Protect Your Data?

Security/encryption technology called SSL is used in your car rental transactions via

All personal information recorded as part of your customer profile is stored in a database dominated by security controls and procedures.

Cookie Policy
What is a cookie and why is it used?

Cookies are files stored on your network server and device through websites you visit in order to improve your user experience. These files remember information about your visit to the website, making it easier for you to visit on subsequent visits and offering product and service suggestions in line with your interests. Cookies do not collect personal information without your explicit permission.

If you do not prefer cookies to be used, you can delete or block cookies from your browser settings. However, this may affect your use of our website.

Our Cookie Policy and Purposes

The use of cookies is carried out within the scope of KVKK and ALOCAR VEHICLE RENTAL LIMITED COMPANY is responsible. The purpose of our cookie policy is to inform you about the processing of personal data during the use of, which is operated by us.

As ALOCAR, the main purposes of processing your personal data through the cookies on our site are as follows;

• To improve the service offered to you by increasing the functionality of our website

• Personalize the products, services and features we offer on our website according to your preferences.

• To ensure the legal and commercial security of you, our website and our company

Cookies on Our Website

Session Cookies

Session cookies are temporary cookies that are used during your visit to our website and are deleted after the browser is closed. These types of cookies aim to ensure the proper functioning of our Website during your visit. For example; You are allowed to fill out online forms consisting of multiple pages.

Persistent Cookies

Persistent cookies are types of cookies used to remember your preferences in order to increase the functionality of our website and provide you with an effective and good service. Some types of persistent cookies; your purpose/preferences for using our website, etc. It can be used to offer you special suggestions, taking into account the situations.

Authentication Cookies

If you log in to our website using your password through authentication cookies, you will be prevented from re-entering your password in each session you open on the same device.

Analytical Cookies

Analytical cookies; These are cookies that provide data on analytical results such as the number of visitors on our website, visiting hours, detection of pages viewed, scrolling movements of website pages.

ALOCAR may stop using active cookies, change their types or functions, or add new cookies when deemed necessary. If any changes occur, the Cookie Policy will also be updated.
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